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A very very short blog to read on a rainy winter day....

My son spent this morning watching 'HOME' - a movie about a young girl trying to find her mum and an alien trying to return to his home. While I was sitting on my computer typing away, I could hear the voice of various characters speaking. Within a few minutes I was able to recognise the voice of the mother played by Jennifer Lopez and the little cute alien voice of OH by Jim Parson (aka Sheldon - Big Bang Theory).

Hmmmm you are probably wondering how is this relevant to the picture used in this blog, well let me explain. As I was hearing the various conversations between the different characters in 'HOME', I realised I did not need to see the face of the voices behind each of the animated characters to know who they were. Why? because of movies like Maid in Manhattan and the now popular sitcom Big Bang Theory, the voices of both Jennifer Lopez and 'Sheldon' have become famous and iconic. I did not need to see the faces of each of the character's voices to recognise who the actor's were. Their voice and how they expressed differenct words or phrases in this animated movie was so unique to them it was easy for any one familiar with the movies and sitcoms the two main characters have been in.

Now back to my blog picture, without seeing an image of Christ, every word that is written on this picture describes what the Son of God did for you and I on the cross. The written words in this picture such as grace immediately points you to Christ. Yes, every word written tells me of the unconditonal love God the Father had for mankind when He sent His Son to die on the cross and overcame death and if we believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16 NIV). Through His Son Jesus Christ we can receive grace, healing, forgiveness, faith, love, purpose, peace, joy, abundance, life and more.

It is my prayer we make time to pray, study and through the Holy Spirit learn to understand the written Word of God, so we can begin to ecognise the unique characteristics of the Son of God and who we need to turn to in times of trouble and confusion - who is also the author and perfector of our faith (Hebrews 12:2 NIV).

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Reverend Yohan Batzke is an Ordained Minister of the Gospel registered Minister of Religion authorized to solemnize marriages . Denomination affiliated with: Southern Cross Association of Churches Australia. 

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